Beyond Agreeableness: Social-relational personality concepts from an indigenous and cross-cultural perspective
Valchev, V. H., Van de Vijver, F. J. R., Meiring, D., Nel, J. A., Laher, S., Hill, C., & Adams, B.
Journal of Research in Personality, Vol 48, Pages 17–32
The links of social–relational concepts (SRC) of personality identified in South Africa with the Five Factor Model (FFM), Interpersonal Relatedness (IR), social desirability, and prosocialness were examined. In Study 1 (N = 1483), the SRC defined two factors (positive and negative) distinct from the FFM, more strongly linked to relational than to tradition-focused IR aspects and to impression management than to deception. Links to tradition-focused concepts were stronger, and scores on positive SRC higher in Blacks than in Whites. In Study 2 (N = 325), SRC explained substantial variance in prosocialness above the FFM. In Study 3 (N = 1283), the SRC were replicated in a Dutch multicultural sample. The findings sug- gest expanding the FFM with respect to social–relational. functioning.